Objectives. This study explores how local television news structures t
he public and policy debate on youth violence, Methods. A content anal
ysis was performed on 214 hours of local television news from Californ
ia. Each of the 1791 stories concerning youth, violence, or both was c
oded and analyzed for whether it included a public health perspective.
Results. There were five key findings. First, violence dominated loca
l television news coverage. Second, the specifics of particular crimes
dominated coverage of violence. Third, over half of the stories on yo
uth involved violence, while more than two thirds of the violence stor
ies concerned youth. Fourth, episodic coverage of violence was more th
an five times more frequent than thematic coverage, which included lin
ks to broader social factors. Finally, only one story had an explicit
public health frame. Conclusions. Local television news provides extre
mely limited coverage of contributing etiological factors in stories o
n violence. If our nation's most popular source of news continues to r
eport on violence primarily through crime stories isolated from their
social context, the chance for widespread support for public health so
lutions to violence will be diminished.