A simple hypothesis is proposed to explain the occurrence of localized
zones of tectonic deformation and seismicity within intraplate region
s subjected to relatively uniform far-field tectonic stresses. In most
intraplate regions (especially continental shield areas and old ocean
ic basins), temperatures in the lower crust and upper mantle are quite
low so that the upper mantle is cold and strong. In these regions, si
gnificant lithospheric deformation does not occur because the cumulati
ve strength of the lithosphere far exceeds the magnitude of plate-driv
ing forces. If lower crust and upper mantle temperatures are relativel
y high, however, plate-driving forces are largely supported by the upp
er crust because the lower crust and upper mantle are relatively weak.
In this case, the regions can deform relatively rapidly because the c
umulative strength of the lithosphere is comparable in magnitude to th
at of the forces acting on the lithosphere. In this paper, we apply th
is hypothesis to the New Madrid seismic zone and the surrounding centr
al and eastern United States. Within the seismic zone, the heat flow a
ppears to be slightly elevated (about 60 mW/m(2)) relative to the back
ground regional value of 45 mW/m(2). Calculated crustal geotherms and
laboratory-derived ductile flow laws suggest that the lower crust and
upper mantle are sufficiently weak within the seismic zone that intrap
late stresses are largely transmitted through the upper crust and defo
rmation can occur at relatively rapid rates for this intraplate area.
In marked contrast, in the surrounding area where the heat flow is rel
atively low, cumulative lithospheric strength appears to far exceed th
e plate-driving force, and the tectonic stress is carried in both the
crust and upper mantle. Thus the marked contrast in seismicity between
the seismic zone and the surrounding area appears largely because of
heat flow and whether or not the lower crust and upper mantle support
an appreciable fraction of the plate-driving forces.