The Agrobacterium tumefaciens nopaline strain 82. 139 induces non-tera
togenic shooty tumours on several plant species. We have determined th
e position of the T-region oncogenes in a 11.4 kb Xba I fragment which
shows a general organization similar to its pTiC58 counterpart. Seque
nce analysis of the 4.7 kb right part of this fragment allowed us to i
dentify the pTi82.139 ipt, 6b and nos coding sequences. pTi82.139 lack
s the 6a gene, which lies between the ipt and 6b genes in pTiC58. The
intervening region between the 6b and the nos genes contains an additi
onal ORF with homology to ORF 21 (transcript 3') from the TR-DNA of oc
topine strain pTi15955.