There are few discussions on the uniqueness in the theory of the wave-
making resistance of ships. Moreover, a line integral term, singularit
y distribution around a periphery of the waterplane area, appearing in
the theory casts a shadow on the uniqueness of the boundary-value pro
blem. There is only one well-known consistent theory, that is, the two
-dimensional theory of planing on the water surface in which a line in
tegral term does not appear explicitly. In this theory, the sinkage an
d trim vary with speed and also the wetted length changes to fulfill K
utta's condition. However, in a usual displacement ship, having a near
ly vertical stem, the wetted length could not vary as in the planing s
hip. In the present paper, introducing a new singularity just before t
he bow, we try to obtain a consistent linearized theory for a displace
ment ship. We solve numerically the boundary value problem, investigat
ing the properties of solutions and then calculate the sinkage and tri
m when a barge is running freely or is being towed without any externa
l force or moment except a towing force. Then, it is found that this f
ree-running barge becomes unstable over the speed Fr = 0.61 regardless
of the bottom shape. The resistance consists of three components, nam
ely, the wave-making, the spray, and the water head resistance. The fo
rmer two components are well known and the last one is a component int
roduced and named so here temporarily. This component resembles a wave
-breaking resistance but we have no direct explanation.