Background Inhalation of nitric oxide (NO) causes selective pulmonary
vasodilation and improves arterial oxygenation in acute respiratory di
stress syndrome. But some patients do not respond or gas exchange wors
ens when inhaling NO. We hypothesised that this detrimental effect mig
ht be related to the reversion of hypoxic vasconstriction in those pat
ients where this mechanism contributes to ventilation-perfusion ((V) o
ver dotA/(Q) over dot) matching. Method. We studied 13 patients with a
dvanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). We compared thei
r responses to breathing room air, NO at 40 parts per million in air,
and 100% O-2. Changes in pulmonary haemodynamics, blood gases, and (V)
over dotA/(Q) over dot distributions were assessed. Findings. NO inha
lation decreased the mean (SE) pulmonary artery pressure from 25.9 (2.
0) to 21.5 (1.7) mm Hg (p=0.001) and PaO2 from 56 (2) to 53 (2) mm Hg
(p=0.014). The decrease in PaO2 resulted from worsening of (V) over do
tA/(Q) over dot distributions, as shown by a greater dispersion of the
blood-flow distribution (logSD (Q) over dot) from 1.11 (0.1) to 1.22
(0.1) (p=0.018). O-2 breathing reduced the mean pulmonary arterial pre
ssure to 23.4 (2.1) mm Hg and caused greater (V) over dotA/(Q) over do
t mismatch (logSD (Q) over dot, 1.49 [0.1]). The intrapulmonary shunt
on room air was small (2.7 [0.9]%) and did not change when breathing N
O or O-2. interpretation. We conclude that in patients with COPD, in w
hom hypoxaemia is caused essentially by (V) over dotA/(Q) over dot imb
alance rather than by shunt, inhaled NO can worsen gas exchange becaus
e of impaired hypoxic regulation of the matching between ventilation a
nd perfusion.