The signing and ratification of the Convention on Biological Diversity
has resulted in increased scientific and public interest in the conse
rvation and utilisation of biological diversity. This has in turn trig
gered the need to develop more effective methodologies to conserve bio
logical diversity for the benefit of all humanity. One of the first fa
ctors to be considered when conserving botanical diversity is the effi
cient and effective selection of the target taxa. The aim of this pape
r is not to set detailed priorities for the genetic conservation of th
e plant genetic resources of any particular crop or species complex, b
ut to draw attention to the factors that should be considered when for
mulating priorities. The factors that are considered important when se
lecting plant genetic resource targets are: current conservation statu
s; potential economic use; threat of genetic erosion; genetic distinct
iveness; ecogeographic distribution; biological importance; cultural i
mportance; cost, feasibility and sustainability; legislation; ethical
and aesthetic considerations; and priorities of the conservation agenc
y undertaking the conservation. Each of these factors is discussed in
turn. Although it is not possible to provide a single methodology for
the selection of plant genetic resource targets at this time, it is ho
ped that the consideration the factors discussed will make the selecti
on of target taxa more object, make better use of the limited conserva
tion resources and thus enhance the process of genetic conservation as
a whole.