Antenatal screening for fetal anomaly is offered routinely in Glasgow.
This study assessed pregnant women's knowledge of the test and implic
ations of results. Questionnaires were completed by 574 women. Knowled
ge of the nature and uses of the test was superior to earlier studies
Two-thirds knew that screening was undertaken for Down's syndrome, and
81% for spina bifida. The majority were aware of the sample used ages
invited and gestation at which it was undertaken. Knowledge of the li
kely results and implications was poorer. Three-quarters were unaware
that 10 of results would suggest an increased risk. Half did not reali
se that positive results could occur without fetal abnormality or nega
tive results could be falsely reassuring. Socioeconomic deprivation wa
s associated with poorer knowledge but not lower uptake. Written infor
mation was associated with superior knowledge and higher uptake. Leafl
ets should be provided prior to booking, at which time resultant queri
es can be answered.