Currently over 10,000 organizations in the United States provide nursi
ng-related services in patients' homes. These organizations face an in
teresting manpower-deployment decision problem-scheduling which availa
ble nurse to see which patient, when, and what travel routes to use. S
uch issues as adhering to physician-specified requirements on the numb
er of weekly visits make the underlying optimization problem challengi
ng. In a joint project, the University of Alabama's Productivity Cente
r and the Visiting Nurses Association developed a spatial decision sup
port system (SDSS) to address this problem. It successfully integrates
stand-alone PC-based geographic-information-system software with sche
duling heuristics and databases to form a user-friendly tool that save
s the association travel time and schedule-preparation time (over $20,
000 a year) and improves the balance of work among nurses.