Human herpesvirus 6 variant A (HHV-6A) and human herpesvirus 6 variant
B (HHV-6B) are two closely related yet distinct viruses. These visuse
s belong to the Roseolovirus genus of the betaherpesvirus subfamily; t
hey are most closely related to human herpesvirus 7 and then to human
cytomegalovirus. Over 95% of people older than 2 yeats of age are sero
positive for either or both HHV-6 variants, and current serologic meth
ods are incapable of discriminating infection with one variant from in
fection with the other. HHV-6A has not been etiologically linked to an
y human disease, but such an association will probably be found soon.
HHV-6B is the etiologic agent of the common childhood illness exanthem
subitum (roseola infantum or sixth disease) and related febrile illne
sses. These viruses are frequently active and associated with illness
in immunocompromised patients and may play a role in the etiology of H
odgkin's disease and other malignancies. HHV-6 is a commensal inhabita
nt of brains; various neurologic manifestations, including convulsions
and encephalitis, can occur during primary HHV-6 infection or in immu
nocompromised patients. HHV-6 and distribution in the central nervous
system are altered in patients with multiple sclerosis; the significan
ce of this is under investigation.