The ability of fractal models to reproduce the observed distribution o
f galaxies is explored. Mixed models, made of fractal density fluctuat
ions superposed on a Poisson background, are needed in order to explai
n the observed large scale cutoff of the number counts probabilities a
nd the power-law behavior of the correlation functions. The distributi
on of IRAS galaxies is well fitted by a model in which the Poisson com
ponent is five times larger than the fractal component, of dimension 1
.6. A similar mixed fractal model is built for visible galaxies in the
Southern Sky Survey, taking into account some dynamic aspects of clus
ters. The best fit is obtained for a mixed model in which the Poisson
component is as large as the fractal component, of dimension 2. The fi
t is however not good at large scales. These results illustrate the co
mplexity of the matter distribution in the Universe, and prove the nec
essity of considering multifractal models. They also suggest that the
multifractallity is confined only to small scales.