New experimental results related to the physical characteristics of th
e material components of the cometary nuclei as well as new ideas abou
t several aspects of the modelling of the thermochemical process in th
e interior of this objects lead us to make a new attempt to analyse th
e physical evolution of Jupier family comets over time scales comparab
le to their lifetime. A new model is described in this paper where we
present results concerning the evolution of Jupiter family comets and
make comparisons with previous models. Our model of the cometary mater
ial includes a porous solid matrix and vapour filling the pores. As ba
sic constituents of the solid matrix we consider three omnipresent spe
cies: dust, water ice (in two phases: amorphous and crystalline), and
H2O vapour. In addition to the above, we include one substance more vo
latile than H2O, CO, initially trapped in the amorphous matrix. We imp
roved on the earlier models by accounting for the state of near satura
tion attained by the vapour inside the nucleus, by including a separat
e treatment of an unsaturated surface layer and by explicitly includin
g the erosional velocity of the surface. As far as physical parameters
are concerned, our basic improvements on earlier models were: 1) the
representation of this matrix as an aggregate of micron-sized core-man
tle grains; 2) the adoption of a very low thermal conductivity of the
amorphous ice mantles; and 3) a correct account of the energetics of g
as release and the allowance for condensation of CO ice. We defined a
''standard'' nuclear model with the best guesses of the many unknown o
r poorly known parameters, and we ran it for 500 years in a typical Ju
piter family orbit (q = 1.5 AU, Q = 6 AU), a time comparable to approx
imately 10 % of the their lifetime. The CO bursts (associated with cry
stallization spurts) are notorious in the first revolutions, but then,
they gradually evolve from the sharp spikes to a much more subdued ap
pearance. A set of variant models were run to explore the consequences
of some of our assumptions. Variations of the following parameters we
re considered: dust to ice ratio, porosity and amorphous ice conductiv
ity. We note the broad similarity between-our standard and variant mod
els. The ''standard'' model was also run in a capture scenario, where
the comets first stay n a high-q orbits nd then into a low-q one. For
high-q orbits , the rate of CO out-gassing exceeds the perihelion H2O
outgassing rate by several orders of magnitude. Upon capture, the come
t basically behaves in accordance with the burial depth of the crystal
lization zone independent of which previous orbital evolution has led
to this state. Concluding on the behaviour of Jupiter family comets, w
e find that the complete crystallization of a sizeable nucleus with an
initial radius of several km should take approximately 10(4) years. T
his means that Jupiter family comets with our assumed properties shoul
d still retain their CO, although in most cases buried deep below the
nuclear surface.