Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) represents a neurovascular pain syn
drome involving all tissues of the affected area of an extremity follo
wing trauma, surgical procedures, and local as well as more centrally
localized diseases. The initiating causes, however, result in a dystro
phy only if increased sympathetic activity and a so-called individual
predisposition exist. The cause for this up-to-now unexplored diathesi
s has been explained as an impairment of the venous run-off attributab
le to stenosis of the subclavian vein, which, with an appropriate incr
ease of the arterial flow, leads to venous stasis and finally to an ac
ute edema of the hand. This finding is essential not only for the furt
her explanation of the pathogenesis and prognosis of RSD but also for
the possibility of a successful surgical treatment of resistant dystro