Embryos produced in an in-vitro fertilization (IVF) programme, but whi
ch were unsuitable for transfer to patients because they originated fr
om one (1PN) ok three pronuclear (3PN) oocytes or because they origina
ted from two pronuclear (2PN) oocytes but cleaved normally, were maint
ained in tissue culture. The embryos that progressed to blastocysts we
re cultured to clay 14 of development in order to study their daily ou
tput of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG). Blastocysts that released
large amounts of immunoreactive HCG, which continued to increase dail
y during the study period, provided the culture supernatants used in t
he present studies. The heterogeneity of HCG released by blastocyst ti
ssues on days 11 and 14 of development was studied by a chromatofocusi
ng method which separates the isoforms of the gonadotrophin based on d
ifferences in their isoelectric points. It was found that the secreted
HCG was composed of several molecular forms and that this heterogenei
ty changed from day 11 to 14 of development. The early blastocyst tiss
ues produced more acidic HCG isoforms than the more advanced embryonic
tissues. Differences in the apparent ploidy of the blastocyst tissues
studied did not affect significantly the distribution of the HCG isof
orms secreted either on day 11 or day 14 of development. These results
suggest that the bioactivity of the HCG secreted by blastocysts may c
hange with time and with differentiation of the trophectoderm. In addi
tion, the results suggest that the ploidy of early blastocysts does no
t influence the nature of the HCG secreted.