We examined voluntary eye movements of 20 ophtalmologically screened p
atients (mean age of 51 years) with operated hemangioblastoma (HAB) in
the cerebellum. Constant and pseudo-random saccades and pseudo-random
smooth pursuit eye movement (PRPEM) test (with 4 frequency combinatio
ns) were evaluated. As controls 38 healthy subjects were examined. In
the logistic regression analysis latency and accuracy of constant sacc
ades were the best predictors for operated HAB with correct overall cl
assification rate of 79.3%. Accuracy was worse and latency longer in o
perated HAB group than in control group. In pseudo-random saccades cor
rect classification between the groups was achieved in 82.8% of all ca
ses with latency and accuracy as predictors. In PRPEM lest the best fr
equency combinations in differentiating operated HAB patients from con
trols were 0.25 and 0.425 Hz for gain, and 0.3 and 0.7 Hz for phase an
d gain, the correct overall classification rate being 73.3% in both ca
ses. The characteristic changes in voluntary eye movements after remov
al of cerebellar hemangioblastoma seem to be insufficient timing of in
itiating the eye movement.