A mechanism for crack nucleation in saline ice is presented, by consid
ering a planar array of hexagonal grains containing the brine pockets
as a model of polycrystalline saline ice. It is shown through a thermo
dynamic analysis that important local stresses arise associated with t
he internal pressure which builds up inside a brine pocket due to a dr
op in the temperature. As the temperature drops, the water inside the
brine freezes, and because of the variation in the water density on fr
eezing, this results in a buildup of pressure inside the pocket. For t
ypical field conditions, assuming elastic behavior for the matrix, pre
ssures as high as 7 MPa are estimated. Next, using a finite element me
thod, the stress concentration at a grain triple junction is determine
d under the influence of the stress field associated with a nearby bri
ne pocket. The resulting stress state is used to determine the conditi
on for crack nucleation. The analysis is restricted to only elastic de
formation regimes with isotropic grains, albeit with elastic constants
corresponding to extreme values in a single freshwater ice crystal. T
he mechanism discussed here provides an explanation for the widely obs
erved brine channels in sea ice. In addition, the effect of the extern
ally applied stress is also considered, and the resulting stress singu
larities at the grain triple junctions analyzed by an asymptotic metho
d as well as by a numerical solution. Both the strength and an approxi
mate energy criteria suggest crack nucleation from the brine pocket su
rface towards the grain triple junction. The results are shown to be c
onsistent with the experimental observations.