In the 1930's, the chemical structure of cellulose chains was resolved
and models of the crystal lattice of native (Cellulose I) and merceri
zed cellulose (Cellulose II) were presented. Optical microscopy in the
1800's had shown a fibrillar morphology of mu m dimension for native
cellulose. Electron microscopy with metal shadow casting, applied abou
t 1950, revealed a microfibrillar morphology of 5 to 10 mn dimension f
or native cellulose of plant, bacterial and animal origin. In the auth
ors' work (1952), the microfibrills with Cellulose I lattice were cons
idered to be formed by a biological (enzymatic) process. Based on enth
alpy data for the mercerization of native cellulose, the Cellulose I l
attice was found to be in a thermodynamically metastable state in rela
tion to Cellulose II. The cell walls of the primitive marine algae Hal
icystis were an exception. They showed an irregular membrane morpholog
y, containing Cellulose II, as expected for the crystallization of the
free chains. Later work by the author in the 1960's, using deuterium
and tritium exchange of never-dried native bacterial and wood cellulos
e, revealed that cellulose is formed and directly deposited as crystal
line microfibrils with the Cellulose I lattice. Recent work on the bio
genesis of cellulose microfibrils by R. M. Brown ef nl. in Austin, Tex
as supports these concepts. Elementary fibrils of about 3 nm width and
Cellulose I Lattice are shown to be extruded through the bacterial ce
ll wall of Acetobacter, as a product of a series of active enzymes, cl
oned to identified genes. Certain strains of Acetobacter and Halicysti
s algae form Cellulose II with folded chains, because they do not have
the complete enzyme system for elementary fibril formation. Kobayashi
et nl. in Sendai Japan, cooperating with Brown's group, have synthesi
zed cellulose chains in vitro using purified cellulose enzymes and flu
orinated cellobiose as monomer. Even elementary cellulose microfibrils
with Cellulose I lattice are formed in this in vitro system. The rese
arch work by Brown and Kobayashi on cellulose biogenesis has given a d
eep insight into the life process in an important area.