Although individuals may use different strategies in order to solve re
asoning problems, few attempts have been made to understand the proces
ses that lead to strategy choice. One exception to this is work with t
he sentence-picture verification task in which it has been found that
high spatial ability individuals tend to use a strategy that involves
spatial representations while low spatial ability individuals tend to
use a strategy that involves verbal representations. The first study r
eported here attempted to see whether these findings would generalize
to another simple reasoning task with a particularly inefficient spati
al strategy. This was found not to be the case; low spatial ability in
dividuals used the spacial strategy while high spatial ability individ
uals avoided using it. Three explanations were suggested for this base
d upon (a) spatial ability, (b) intelligence or (c) knowledge. Results
of two further studies favoured the spatial ability explanation; indi
viduals do not have explicit prior knowledge of the most effective str
ategy for this task, and the level of spatial ability determines the d
egree to which they are able to develop and evaluate the more effectiv
e non-spatial strategies.