We report two boys with juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) complicated by
pancreatitis. One also had hepatitis and probably mild bowel vasculiti
s, while the other had catastrophic bowel vasculitis with multiple per
forations. Both were on corticosteroids, but had features of active va
sculitis. The former improved with high-dose i.v. pulsed methylprednis
olone. while the latter improved only after immunosuppression with i.v
. methylprednisolone, cyclophosphamide and plasmapheresis. Although bo
wel vasculitis is a known complication of severe JDM, pancreatitis and
hepatitis are extremely rare. We have found in a literature search on
ly three other reports of pancreatitis complicating JDM. We wish to al
ert physicians that pancreatitis may develop in JDM. It should be cons
idered as a differential diagnosis in the child with active disease wh
o develops abdominal pain. Control of vasculitis with adequate immunos
uppression, as well as general supportive measures. may be valuable in
the treatment of pancreatitis in JDM.