Determining meaningful activation thresholds in functional magnetic re
sonance imaging (fMRI) paradigms is complicated by several factors. Th
ese include the time-series nature of the data, the influence of physi
ological rhythms (e.g. respiration) and vacillations introduced by the
experimental design (e.g. cueing). We present an empirical threshold
for each subject and each fMRI experiment that takes these factors int
o account. The method requires an additional fMRI data set as similar
to the experimental paradigm as possible without dichotomously varying
the experimental task of interest. A letter fluency task was used to
illustrate this method. This technique differs from classical methods
since the Pearson correlation probability values tabulated from statis
tical theory are not used. Rather, each subject defines his or her own
set of threshold probability values for correlations. It is against t
hese empirical thresholds, not Pearson's, that an experimental fMRI co
rrelation is assessed. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.