Objective-To assess the contribution of coronary artery ectasia, eithe
r isolated or in association with obstructive coronary artery disease,
to morbidity and mortality from ischaemic heart disease. Design-A ret
rospective study of patients undergoing coronary arteriography at a te
rtiary cardiac centre. Patients and methods-The epidemiological, clini
cal, arteriographic, and follow up characteristics of three groups of
patients were examined: group A, 172 patients with coronary artery ect
asia and coexisting significant coronary artery disease; group B, 31 p
atients with coronary artery ectasia only; group C, 165 patients with
significant coronary artery disease but without ectasia, matched for s
ex and age with group A. Resuls-Group A patients had a similar inciden
ce of a previous myocardial infarction to group C patients (61.6% v 64
.2%), exercise performance, severity of obstructive lesions (CASS scor
e 2.19 v 2.14), and similar distribution of diseased vessels. At follo
w up of approximately two years they experienced a similar incidence o
f unstable angina (7.5% v 4.4%) and myocardial infarction plus cardiac
death (4.9% v 6.1%. They underwent bypass surgery with similar freque
ncy (39% v 42%) but there was a lower frequency of percutaneous transl
uminal coronary angioplasty (5.8% v 17%, P< 0.01). Patients with coron
ary ectasia (group B) had a lower incidence of a previous myocardial i
nfarction (38.7%, 12/31, P < 0.05) than the two other groups. The infa
rct in all cases was related to an ectatic artery. Their exercise perf
ormance and ejection fraction (9 (SD 3) minutes and 56.5(9)%) were hig
her (P < 0.01) than group A (5 (2) minutes, 48.3(10)%) and group C (5.
3 (2) minutes, 49.3(10)%). Group B had no myocardial infarctions, card
iac death, surgery, or intervention at follow up; 4.4% (5/115) develop
ed unstable angina. The incidence of angina at study entry was similar
in all three groups (38.7-49.7%). Conclusions- Coronary artery ectasi
a does not confer added risk in patients with coexisting obstructive C
oronary artery disease. Although there is a measurable incidence of pr
evious myocardial infarction, patients with pure ectasia have a good p
rognosis. The wisdom of giving oral anticoagulants to such patients is