Drying estuarine sandbanks experience only that part of the tidal cycl
e around high water. In a partially progressive tidal wave, this means
that the duration of the flood over the sandbank will be greater than
that of the ebb: a process of tidal rectification. In this paper, we
propose the hypothesis that this leads to floods-directed tidal residu
al currents over drying sandbanks. The hypothesis is tested by observa
tion and a 2-D hydrodynamical model in the Conwy estuary, a vertically
well-mixed macrotidal estuary in North Wales. The observations includ
e tide gauge data, tidal cycle boat surveys, and fixed current meter d
ata. The data show weak flood-directed residual currents over a drying
sandbank and much stronger ebb-directed residuals in the channels alo
ng the sides of the sandbank. The model reproduces the observations in
the vicinity of the sandbank and shows that the tidal rectification m
echanism produces a general pattern of residual circulation in the est
uary, with flood-directed flow in the drying areas and ebb-directed fl
ow in the channels. The flood residuals are most marked near the estua
ry mouth where the tidal wave is most progressive in nature. The main
application of this mechanism is believed to be in the transport of be
dload sediment The flood-directed residuals will tend to move the tops
of the sandbanks upstream.