In this paper, we present field data and analysis relating avalanche t
errain variables and avalanche runout for 46 high-frequency avalanche
paths. Most previous studies of this nature have been concerned with t
he location of extreme runout for return periods of order 100 yr. In o
ur study, we focus on extreme runout avalanche paths where return peri
ods are much less than 100 yr and we compare the results with previous
data collections. Our analysis shows that high-frequency avalanche pa
ths are, on average, steeper and shorter than their low frequency coun
terparts. Our analysis also indicates that the dimensionless measure o
f avalanche extreme runout, the runout ratio, approximates a Gumbel di
stribution, consistent with previous results. The calculation of a non
exceedance probability, using the Gumbel distribution, is recommended
for the prediction of extreme runout in land-use planning exercises fo
r zones effected by high frequency avalanches.