High expression ratios of CD44 variant 6 (CD44 V6) in patients with me
tastatic pulmonary tumor were found in those with primary lesions of c
ancer of the colon, uterus, larynx, liver and osteosarcoma. It was cla
rified that patients showing expression of CD44 variant 6 likely revea
led pulmonary metastasis at earlier time following operations of prima
ry cancer (p<0.05). CD44 V6, an adhesion molecule, was a factor to par
ticipate in pulmonary metastases from various organ cancers. No signif
icant correlation was observed in survival between patients with CD44
V6 positive versus negative tumors, except laryngeal tumor after resec
tion of primary or metastatic lung tumor. CD44 V6 related to its invas
ive and further metastatic functions in metastatic lung tumor. We sugg
est that cancer cells expressing the CD44 molecule especially V6 may a
dhere to vascular endothelium and hyaluronic acid in the lung. And can
cer cells without this molecule liberated from the primary focuses har
dly adhere to the pulmonary tissues supposedly resulting in delayed me
tastases and proliferations in the pulmonary tissues.