Increased levels of mucin-like carcinoma-associated antigen (MCA) in b
reast cancer patients with no evidence of disease following the treatm
ent of the primary disease created a dilemma of 'to treat' or 'wait an
d see'. One might assume that early treatment of clinically undetectab
le disease on the basis of an elevated serum level of a sensitive and
reliable tumor marker, may improve the treatment results, and even pro
long the patient's survival. 'Wait and see' on acceptance of the notio
n that even early metastatic disease, still manifested only by uprisin
g MCA levels, is incurable, and treatment should be kept in reserve fo
r palliation of symptomatic disease. Sixty-one breast cancer patients
with increasing MCA levels but without evidence of metastatic disease
were randomized for tamoxifen 20 mg b.i.d. or to follow-up till relaps
e. The results for a median follow-up period of one year were encourag
ing. The non-treated patients experienced a significantly higher relap
se rate (24.1%) than the tamoxifen-treated subjects (0%; p=0.012). The
results for a median follow-up of 5 years were disappointing. The ove
rall relapse rate was 22.2%. The relapse rate among the control patien
ts was 25.8% while in the treatment arm it was 17.4% (p=0.46). The eve
nt-free survival and the pattern of relapse were similar in both arms.
Tamoxifen may therefore be reserved for overt metastases, and not was
ted on asymptomatic subclinical disease. It seems that there is no yie
ld in terms of event-free survival for MCA measurements in breast canc
er patients during the 5-year follow-up period.