The measurements of electron density made by the Plasma Wave Subsystem
instruments on Galileo during its pass through the torus on December
7th, 1995 are compared with a model based on Voyager 1 measurements ma
de in March 1979. Outside Io's orbit, the plasma densities observed by
Galileo are approximately a factor of two higher than the Voyager val
ues. Shortly after crossing Io's orbit, the Galileo density profile dr
opped sharply and remained at low values for the rest of the inbound l
eg, suggesting that the 'ribbon' region was either absent or much fart
her from Jupiter than usual. The peak density on the outbound leg is c
onsistent with Voyager-based predictions for the cold torus in both lo
cation (5.1 RJ) and magnitude (950 cm(-3)). Inside 5 RJ the density dr
opped sharply to less than 3 cm(-3).