Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are important environmental contamina
nts, and their toxicity to wildlife and humans are of major concern. P
CBs form persistent and abundant metabolites, PCB methyl sulfones, tha
t accumulate in biota. We now report that certain hydroxylated PCB met
abolites show a strong and selective accumulation in mammalian blood.
Plasma from experimentally PCB-dosed rats and blood from environmental
ly exposed grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) and humans were analyzed. A
mong all possible hydroxylated metabolites of PCB that may be formed,
only a few, dominated by 4-OH-2,3,5,3',4-pentachlorobiphenyl and 4-OH-
2,3,5,6,2',4',5'-heptachlorobiphenyl, were found in the blood samples.
All identified compounds have a structure with the hydroxy group in a
para or meta position, with chlorine atoms on vicinal carbon atoms. T
he concentrations of hydroxylated PCB in the blood were almost in the
same range as the most persistent PCB congeners both for seals and hum