The behaviour of stationary, non-passive plumes can be simulated in a
reasonably simple and accurate way by integral models. One of the key
requirements of these models, but also one of their less well-founded
aspects, is the entrainment assumption, which parameterizes turbulent
mixing between the plume and the environment. The entrainment assumpti
on developed by Schatzmann and adjusted to a set of experimental resul
ts requires four constants and an ad hoc hypothesis to eliminate undes
irable terms. With this assumption, Schatzmann's model exhibits numeri
cal instability for certain cases of plumes with small velocity excess
es, due to very fast radius growth. The purpose of this paper is to pr
esent an alternative entrainment assumption based on a first-order tur
bulence closure, which only requires two adjustable constants and seem
s to solve this problem. The asymptotic behaviour of the new formulati
on is studied and compared to previous ones. The validation tests pres
ented by Schatzmann are repeated and it is found that the new formulat
ion not only eliminates numerical instability but also predicts more p
lausible growth rates for jets in co-flowing streams.