Objective: Estimation of the surface area involved is vital to evaluat
ion and treatment of burns, Common teaching suggests the palm approxim
ates 1% of the total body surface area (TBSA), However, early century
literature suggests the palmar surface of the entire hand approximates
1% of the TBSA, We sought to determine whether the palm or the entire
palmar surface of the hand approximates 1% TBSA in children. Design:
A prospective, convenience sample, Materials and methods: Using height
, weight, and standard nomograms, body surface area was determined, A
photocopy of the hand was used to determine the surface area of the pa
lm and the entire palmar surface of the hand. Results: In 91 children,
the mean percent of the TBSA represented by the entire palmar surface
was 0.94% (95% confidence interval (C.I.) 0.93-0.97), and the mean pe
rcent of the TBSA represented by the palm was 0.52% (95% C.I. 0.51-0.5
3), Conclusion: The entire palmar surface of a child's hand more close
ly approximates 1% TBSA, while the palm approximate 0.5% TBSA.