Alterations in the expression of the human genome, or interference wit
h its products, can be induced in the male reproductive system by chem
icals mimicking or antagonizing naturally occurring hormones. Opportun
ities exist for disruption at the hypothalamus, pituitary and testis l
evels. Recent concerns generated by the increased incidence of testicu
lar cancer, congenital anomalies of the male genitalia and possible al
terations in human semen quality have been linked to the environment.
The report by Carlsen in 1992 [1] suggested that semen quality has det
eriorated over the past six decades. More recent reports suggest that
the decline may be globally non-uniform and regional in nature. The ef
fects of any such declines upon overall pregnancy rates are generally
unknown, although some studies have attempted to address them. A preli
minary review of the impact of a small decrease in sperm concentration
s suggests that a directly measurable reduction in fecundity does not
occur, but that future problems could be anticipated. Decrements in se
men quality will alter the epidemiological probabilities of pregnancy
due to coitus on different cycle days and may thereby change the durat
ion of the fertile time. Current understanding of the implications of
altered semen quality on relative fertility is not sufficient to chang
e our current teaching and practice of NFP.