Comparative genomics reveals that cereal genomes are composed of simil
ar genomic building blocks (linkage blocks). By stacking these blocks
in a unique order, it is possible to construct a single ancestral 'chr
omosome' which can be cleaved to give the basic structure of the 56 di
fferent chromosomes found in wheat, rice, maize, sorghum, millet and s
ugarcane. The borders of linkage blocks are defined by cereal centrome
ric and telomeric sites. However, a number of studies have shown that
telomeric heterochromatin has neocentromeric activity, implying that l
inkage blocks are in fact defined by centromeric-like sites with conse
rved sequences. The structure of the ancestral cereal genome thus rese
mbles a holocentric chromosome, which is the chromosome structure shar
ed by the closest relatives of the Gramineae, the Cypericeae and Junca