Tallgrass prairie in the Flint Hills region of Kansas is characterized
by considerable topographic relief coupled with variation in soil pro
perties. These topoedaphic gradients, together with variation in fire
regimes, result in temporal and landscape-level variability in soil re
source availability and plant responses. Nitrogen usually is considere
d to be the nutrient most limiting to primary productivity in tallgras
s prairie, but few studies have addressed how N availability varies se
asonally, or across the landscape and with fire frequency. We measured
soil inorganic N, in situ net N mineralization, aboveground net prima
ry productivity (ANPP), and N mass on plots either fertilized with N i
n 1993 or in 1994, or unfertilized, in uplands and lowlands of two ann
ually burned and two long-term unburned sites during the 1994 growing
season. In addition, our study was conducted in the year following rec
ord rainfall, allowing us to assess the potential for high precipitati
on amounts to affect subsequent N cycling and plant production. Both f
ire treatment and topography affected soil N availability. In general,
N mineralization was greater on unburned than on burned sites and was
up to five times greater on uplands than lowlands. Total extractable
soil N was highest early in the season and least at midseason, and it
also tended to be higher in unburned sites than burned sites on unfert
ilized plots. Added N increased ANPP, but there were no differences be
tween plots fertilized in 1994 and those fertilized in 1993. In genera
l, patterns of ANPP on control plots were consistent with known produc
tion responses to topography and burning (higher in annually burned si
tes and in lowland sites) but were inversely related or unrelated to p
atterns of N availability (higher in unburned sites and at upland topo
graphic positions). Potential loss of N by volatilization during sprin
g burning was greater than in years with normal rainfall amounts and r
epresented a significant portion of aboveground plant N mass. Potentia
l N losses did not appear to limit ANPP or N availability in the curre
nt growing season. Our results suggest that different factors control
soil N mineralization and plant productivity, which explains, in part,
why patterns of ANPP are not well correlated with patterns of N avail
ability in tallgrass prairie ecosystems.