T. Eisner et al., FIREFLY FEMMES FATALES ACQUIRE DEFENSIVE STEROIDS (LUCIBUFAGINS) FROMTHEIR FIREFLY PREY, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United Statesof America, 94(18), 1997, pp. 9723-9728
Female fireflies of the genus Photuris, the so-called firefly ''femmes
fatales,'' prey on male fireflies of the genus Photinus. The females
are able to entrap the males by faking the flash signal characteristic
s of the Photinus female. We found that by feeding on Photinus males,
Photuris females gain more than nutrients. They also acquire defensive
steroidal pyrones called lucibufagins, which are contained in Photinu
s but which Photuris fireflies are unable to produce on their own. Pho
turis females that eat Photinus males or lucibufagin are rejected by P
hidippus jumping spiders. Lucibufagin itself proved to be a deterrent
to such spiders. Field-collected Photuris females contain lucibufagin
in varying amounts. The more lucibufagin they contain the more unaccep
table they are to Phidippus.