NSAID and analgesics are widely used drugs because they belong to the
so called over-the-counter-medications. According to this, side effect
s of this therapy are well known and occur with an incidence of about
1%. Ln patients with asthma bronchiole the prevalence of adverse react
ions may reach over 40%. Although often mimicking immediate type aller
gic reactions, seldom specific IgE antibodies can be found, so that th
e mechanism of these reactions commonly is pseudo-allergic. Today, onl
y parts of the pathophysiology of the pseudo-allergic reactions are un
derstood despite the fact that much research has been done so far. The
patients history and oral provocation tests (OPT) are the key element
s in the diagnosis of these types of pseudo-allergy because skin rests
and in vitro procedures do not deliver reliable results. Oral provoca
tion tests art criticized for their risk of causing severe side-effect
s during thr procedure, the high costs, and the extensive time for pro
vocation, but represent, nevertheless, the only diagnostic way in orde
r to identify the susceptive medications or to find a safe alternative
drug. Severe pseudo-allergic reactions may occur in these patients ev
en after taking chemically not related substances, therefore, an alter
native medication should only be advised after an oral provocation tes