Using a microtitre plate assay, direct binding between complement fact
ors I and H was demonstrated, and ligand blotting indicated that facto
r H interacts with the heavy chain of factor I. Similarly, direct C3(N
H3)-factor I and C3(NH3)-factor H binding was characterized [where C3(
NK3) is a form of C3 that is cleaved by factor I in the presence of fa
ctor H]. Both factor H and factor I interacted with both chains of C3(
NH3) and blotting. Binding reactions between all three pairs of compon
ents were highly dependent on ionic strength, and showed similar pH op
tima. Binding assays with all three components present led to the foll
owing conclusions. (a) Binding sites for C3(NH3) and factor I on facto
r H do not overlap, and binding of factor I and C3(NH3) to soluble fac
tor H promotes the weak factor I-C3(NH3) interaction. (b) Anomalies ar
ise with immobilized factor H, which may be artefactual or may reflect
the physiological situation. (c) Similarly, binding sites on factor I
for C3(NH3) factor H do not overlap, and binding of factor H and C3(N
H3)r I promotes direct factor H-C3(NH3) interactions. Based on these r
esults, a model of the interactions between factor H, factor I and C3(
NH3) leading to the processing of C3(NH3) is proposed.