The applicability of step-scan impulse/response FT-IR spectroscopy to
the rheo-optical study of polymer films is demonstrated by spectral me
asurements with isotactic polypropylene. A novel piezoelectrically dri
ven microrheometer is employed to apply repetitive impulses to a polym
er sample while time-domain spectra are recorded by step-scan FT-IR sp
ectroscopy, The traditional advantages of Fourier transform spectrosco
py are retained while providing a second multiplex advantage for the c
haracterization of the time-dependence of the sample response, Reprodu
cible results, consistent with the frequency-domain literature data an
d having good signal-to-noise ratio, are obtained. The spectral change
s due to molecular reorientation are found to be essentially as fast a
s the mechanical stretching, also consistent with frequency-domain res
ults. To our knowledge, this is the first reported step-scan FT-IR tim
e-domain rheo-optical measurement. This technique appears to be applic
able to a variety of polymer samples, The advantages of time-domain me
asurements over frequency-domain measurements are briefly discussed.