The discovery of a large number of beat Cepheids in the Large Magellan
ic Cloud in the MACHO survey provides an opportunity to compare the ch
aracteristics of such Cepheids over a range of metallicities. We produ
ced a large grid of linear nonadiabatic pulsation models using the OPA
L opacity tables and with compositions corresponding to those of the M
ilky Way, and the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. Using the relatio
nship between the period ratio and the main pulsation period, we are a
ble to define a range of models which correspond to the observed beat
Cepheids, and thereby constrain the physical characteristics of the LM
C beat Cepheids. We are also able to make some predictions about the n
ature of the yet-to-be-discovered SMC beat Cepheids. (C) 1997 American
Astronomical Society.