Financial compensation for damages caused by wildlife is an alternativ
e to lethal wildlife damage management techniques, but little is known
about the use of these programs in North America. We conducted survey
s requesting information on wildlife species and type of damage covere
d by compensation programs, annual cost of programs, and the monitorin
g and assessment of program success to the wildlife agencies of all st
ates and Canadian provinces. We also requested information on programs
providing producers with damage-abatement materials instead of or in
addition to financial compensation. All states and provinces responded
to our survey. Nineteen states and 7 provinces had compensation progr
ams, and 34 states and 7 provinces provided damage-abatement materials
. Most programs were funded by the state, but private and federal orga
nizations also funded some programs. Deer (Odocoileus spp.) were the m
ost common species in compensation programs (in 14 states and province
s) followed by bear (Ursus spp.; in 12), elk (Cervus elaphus; in 10),
moose (Alces alces; in 7), waterfowl (in 6), pronghorn antelope (Antil
ocapra americana; in 6), wolves (Canis spp.; in 5), mountain lions (Pu
ma concolor; in 4), and coyotes (Canis latrans; in 3). Compensation pr
ograms involving ungulates included damage to cultivated crops (in all
15 states and provinces), standing hay crops and pastures (in 5), sto
red hay (in 6), and damage to other property including fencing and irr
igation equipment (in 8). Programs for predators involved livestock lo
sses. Programs for bears involved damage to crops, livestock, and beek
eeping equipment. In general, compensation programs were established f
or problems that were recent in origin, exacerbated by governmental ac
tions, or caused by highly valued species. Few states or provinces had
formal evaluation procedures for their programs. Given the expense of
compensation programs and divided opinions about the programs, we rec
ommend that all states and provinces implement a formal review system.