The Ploeg and Funke TYPE E double-actuated wavemaker has been calibrat
ed at the CEPYC-CEDEX Laboratory in Madrid, Spain. TYPE E double-actua
ted wavemakers are capable of operating as piston-only, hinged-only, o
r simultaneously as both piston and hinged wavemakers. An eigenfunctio
n expansion for the fluid motion generated by a generic planar wavemak
er of variable-draft is used to describe the motion of double-actuated
wavemakers. This generic solution appears to be more robust and easie
r to apply in numerical codes than the ones that require the amplitude
of the wavemaker stroke be specified at the still-water-level and tha
t require the draft of the hinge to be forced to minus infinity in ord
er to recover a piston wavemaker. The dimensionless transfer functions
for the ratio of the wavemaker stroke to the wave amplitude are deriv
ed by equating the total average power generated by both actuators to
the energy flux in the propagating wave. The solution is not unique be
cause both the ratio of the amplitude of the piston actuator to the am
plitude of the hinge actuator and the relative phase angle between the
motion of the two actuators are arbitrary. Experimental verifications
of the theory are given for each actuator operating independently as
well as for three ratios of the piston amplitude to hinge amplitude wh
en the relative phase angle is zero. These calibrations indicate that
TYPE E double-actuated wavemakers are perhaps the optimum wavemakers f
or simulating double-peaked spectra such as the six parameter Ochi-Hub
ble spectra where the hinge actuator is optimum for generating the hig
her frequency components.