Substances with digoxin-and ouabain-like immunoactivity (DLIA) are spe
cific inhibitors of Na+-K+-ATPase which increase the total amount of i
ntracellular stored calcium (Ca-i(2+)). In diabetic patients, DLIA lev
els have been reported to be increased. Although this increase is prob
ably secondary to sodium retention and volume expansion (induced in di
abetic subjects by hyperinsulinemia and/or diabetic nephropathy), the
question arises of whether it has pathophysiological consequences: nam
ely, whether substances with DLIA, via their effect on Na+-K+-ATPase a
ctivity and Ca-i(2+), stores, could in diabetic subjects facilitate de
velopment of hypertension and/or modulate insulin sensitivity or insul
in secretion. Clinical findings of correlations of DLIA to blood press
ure, insulin levels and to degree of insulin resistance, together with
experimental findings of decreased Na+-K+-ATPase activity, increased
Ca2(i)(+) and decreased Mg-i(2+) in both diabetic and hypertensive sub
jects, support these hypotheses. However, the issue of whether or not
these relations are causative and whether or not defects in intracellu
lar milieu are primary or secondary to non-insulin-dependent diabetes
mellitus has not been resolved yet. Moreover, pathogenesis of both dia
betes mellitus and hypertension is multifactorial and includes many ot
her factors. Therefore, further efforts should be made to elucidate th
e exact role of substances with DLIA in diabetes mellitus.