The nitrogen fixation protein NifA is a member of the protein family a
ctivating transcription by the alternative eubacterial sigma(N) (sigma
(54)) RNA polymerase holoenzyme, Binding sites for NifA, upstream acti
vator sequences (UASs), are remotely located, Interaction between holo
enzyme bound in a closed promoter complex and NIFA is facilitated by b
ending of the intervening DNA by integration host factor (IHF), We hav
e examined NifA contact with the Klebsiella pneumoniae nifH promoter U
AS in the presence and absence of holoenzyme and IHF, Footprints with
UV light were made on 5-BrdU-substituted DNA and DNase I and laser UV
footprints on conventional DNA templates, Results establish that the c
onsensus thymidine residues of the UAS motif 5'-TGT are in close proxi
mity to NifA, Reactivity suggests that each UAS thymidine is not struc
turally equivalent, Titration of NifA binding to the UAS in the presen
ce or absence of the closed promoter complex indicates that the intera
ction of NifA with the UAS is not strongly co-operative with holoenzym
e or IHF, a result supportive of an activation mechanism not reliant u
pon simple recruitment of factors to the promoter, Laser footprints de
monstrated that holo-enzyme binding site, likely reflecting DNA distor
tion. Enhanced -9 reactivity required sigma(N) N-terminal sequences th
at are necessary for activation, Since T-9 is melted in open complexes
the closed complex appears poised for molting, Open promoter complex
formation was accompanied by a distinct change in laser footprint sign
al at -11, consistent with the view that nucleation of strand separati
on occurs within or close to the -12 promoter element.