Spinal cord injuries (SCI) result in devastating loss of function and
altered sensation. Presently, victims of SCI have few remedies for the
loss of motor function and the altered sensation often experienced su
bsequent to the injury. A goal in SCI research is to improve function
in both acute and chronic injuries. Among the most successful interven
tions is the utilization of transplanted tissues toward improved recov
ery. The theory is that the transplanted tissue could (1) bridge the s
pinal lesion and provide chemical and/or mechanical guidance for host
neurons to grow across the lesion, (2) bridge the spinal lesion and pr
ovide additional cellular elements to repair the damaged circuitry, (3
) provide factors that would rescue neurons that would otherwise die a
nd/or modulate neural circuits to improve function. A variety of tissu
es and cells have been added to the adult mammalian spinal cord to enc
ourage restoration of function. These include Schwann cells, motor neu
rons, dorsal root ganglia, adrenal tissue, hybridomas, peripheral nerv
es, and fetal spinal cord (FSC) tissue en bloc or as disassociated cel
ls. It is postulated that these tissues would rescue or replace injure
d adult neurons, which would then integrate or promote the regeneratio
n of the spinal cord circuitry and restore function. In some instances
, host-appropriate circuitry is supplied by the transplant and functio
nal improvement is demonstrated. In this presentation, specific exampl
es of recent work with transplanted tissue and cells that demonstrate
improved behavioral outcome are presented. New recent work describing
the in vitro propagation and characterization of human fetal spinal co
rd multipotential progenitor cells are also described in the context o
f a potential resource for transplantable cells. Additionally, data fr
om transplantation experiments of human FSC cells into nonimmunosuppre
ssed rat spinal cord are described, and the resultant improvements in
behavioral outcome reported. Lastly, directions for future SCI researc
h are proposed.