H. Hass et al., COMPARISON OF MODEL RESULTS OBTAINED WITH SEVERAL EUROPEAN REGIONAL AIR-QUALITY MODELS, Atmospheric environment, 31(19), 1997, pp. 3257-3277
(A)n intercomparison study has been performed with four photo-oxidant
dispersion models (EMEP, EURAD, LOTOS and REM3) which are currently ca
pable of performing photo-oxidant formation calculations over larger p
arts of Europe. The models, in principle, were run in the mode in whic
h they are normally used, with their own input data and process descri
ptions. No attempt has been-made to harmonize the input data. The stud
y focused on the simulation of a six day episode (31 July-5 August, 19
90) with relatively high observed ozone levels over northwest and cent
ral Europe(upto 140 ppbv) and which ended by a frontal passage. The st
udy was mainly restricted to an analysis of the behaviour at four rece
ptor sites across the centre of each modelling domain. Differences in
yearly averaged anthropogenic emissions are in the order of 10% only.
However, episode specific hourly emissions, both anthropogenic and bio
genic, show much larger differences. Here up to 40% differences for an
thropogenic emissions are found for central Europe while biogenic emis
sions differ even up to a factor 2-3. The meteorological data base for
all models is created from the synoptic measurement network by differ
ent techniques. This can result in quite different model inputs as e.g
. the value of the mixing height or trajectories. Other model inputs,
e.g. dry deposition velocities or photolysis frequencies, show much cl
oser agreements than expected from their derivation through different
parameterizations. Model performance for the regional scale could only
be observed for ozone. In central Europe, the large-scale ozone patte
rns are quite similar for all models. Here the temporal evolution at s
ome receptor sites shows also a reasonable agreement with observations
. However, in case a multi-component evaluation is possible it can be
expected that differences between models can be revealed to a greater
detail than was possible here. The model responses to emission reducti
ons show substantial differences although the direction of the respons
es generally agree. The most complex model (EURAD) has the most pronou
nced response to anthropogenic emisssion reductions. The treatment of
the biogenic emissions can have a large impact on scenario simulations
. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.