Ys. Tsyganov et al., FOCAL-PLANE DETECTOR OF THE DUBNA GAS-FILLED RECOIL SEPARATOR, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 392(1-3), 1997, pp. 197-201
The focal plane detector of the Dubna gas-filled recoil separator has
been developed to study fusion reaction products from heavy-ion-induce
d nuclear reactions in the region of heavy nuclei with Z>104. It consi
sts of a 12 strip position-sensitive silicon detector to measure the e
nergy/position of implanted nuclides and decay products and two low-pr
essure proportional chambers to generate a TOF signal. Additional info
rmation on Delta E from the STOP chamber is stored to provide an oppor
tunity to discriminate alpha decays to the ground state of daughter pr
oduct from the ones accompanied by conversion electron emission. The d
etector was successfully applied for the nuclear reactions which led t
o the discovery of new nuclides with Z = 108, 110 (A = 267, 273). An a
ppropriate data acquisition system is described.