Central nervous system dysfunction continues to represent significant
morbidity and associated mortality in patients undergoing cardiac surg
ery. Neurological dysfunction is most exaggerated in patients undergoi
ng hypothermic circulatory arrest (HCA). Although surgical techniques,
anesthetic management, and postoperative care have significantly impr
oved over the past two decades, the incidence of stroke and other neur
ocognitive deficits remains problematic. Understanding the mechanisms
of cell death associated with HCA may provide information that is germ
ane to all types of cerebral injury involved In cardiac surgery. Using
a closed-chest cardiopulmonary bypass model, dogs underwent 2 hours o
f circulatory arrest at 18 degrees C followed by resuscitation and rec
overy for 3 days. Animals were assessed functionally by a species-spec
ific behavioral scale, histologically for patterns of selective neuron
al necrosis and receptor autoradiography for NMDA glutamate receptor s
ubtype expression. Using a selective NMDA (-glutamate) receptor antago
nist (MK801), an AMPA-antagonist (NBQX) and a nonspecific neuroprotect
ant (GM(1)-ganglioside), the role of glutamate excitotoxicity in the d
evelopment of HCA-induced brain injury was documented and validated. U
sing a similar canine preparation, a microdialysis technique was used
to evaluate the role of nitric oxide in neuronal death. Arginine plus
oxygen is converted to nitric oxide plus citrulline by the action of n
itric oxide synthase. Simultaneous infusion of artificial cerebrospina
l fluid containing L-[C-14] arginine or L-[C-14] arginine and L-NAME (
a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor) was performed in contralateral hemi
spheres. Citrulline recovery in the cerebrospinal fluid, citrulline pr
oduction in vitro from canine cortical homogenates, and nitric oxide m
etabolites in the serum were all significantly increased during HCA an
d reperfusion. These studies demonstrated that neurotoxicity following
HCA involves a significant and early induction of neuronal NOS expres
sion and neuronal processes leading to widespread augmented NO product
ion in the brain. Continued research into the pathophysiologic mechani
sms involved in cerebral injury will undoubtedly yield a safe and reli
abl e neuroprotectant strategy.