The objective of this paper is to assess the current methods for the c
alibration of peak flow meters and devise a method of producing a know
n flow with an inexpensive apparatus simple enough to be built from a
set of dimensions. The methods currently available tend to be expensiv
e and complex or impractical for routine use. The aim was that the wav
eform produced should approximate to a forced expiratory flow and be c
apable of being described in mathematical terms and be relatively inex
pensive to produce. The resulting apparatus which has been built, prod
uces a sine wave flow the peak of which can be set to any desired leve
l and be determined to a high degree of accuracy. The apparatus can be
built from a set of dimensions and is inexpensive. The apparatus is a
primary and ?lot a derived standard. (C) 1997 IPEM Published by Elsev
ier Science Ltd.