This paper solves the following problem: Given the computed variables
in a fast least-squares prediction algorithm, determine all past input
sequences that would have given rise to the variables in question, Th
is problem is motivated by the backward consistency approach to numeri
cal stability in this algorithm class; the set of reachable variables
in exact arithmetic is known to furnish a stability domain, Our proble
m is equivalent to a first- and second-order interpolation problem int
roduced by Mullis and Roberts and studied by others, Our solution diff
ers in two respects. First, relations to classical interpolation theor
y are brought out, which allows us to parametrize all solutions. Bypro
ducts of our formulation are correct necessary and sufficient conditio
ns for the problem to be solvable, in contrast to previous works, whos
e claimed sufficient conditions are shown to fall short, Second, our s
olution obtains any valid past input as the impulse response of an app
ropriately constrained orthogonal filter, whose rotation parameters de
rive in a direct manner from. the computed variables in a fast least-s
quares prediction algorithm, Formulas showing explicitly the form of a
ll valid past inputs should facilitate the study of what past input pe
rturbation is necessary to account for accumulated arithmetic errors i
n this algorithm class. This, in turn, is expected to have an impact i
n studying accuracy aspects in fast least-squares algorithms.