Pyrenean brown bears Ursus arctos are threatened with extinction. Mana
gement efforts to preserve this population require a comprehensive kno
wledge of the number and sex of the remaining individuals and their re
spective home ranges. This goal has been achieved using a combination
of noninvasive genetic sampling of hair and faeces collected in the fi
eld and corresponding track size data. Genotypic data were collected a
t 24 microsatellite loci using a rigorous multiple-tubes approach to a
void genotyping errors associated with low quantities of DNA. Based on
field and genetic data, the Pyrenean population was shown to be compo
sed at least of one yearling, three adult males, and one adult female.
These data indicate that extinction of the Pyrenean brown bear popula
tion is imminent without population augmentation. To preserve the rema
ining Pyrenean gene pool and increase genetic diversity, we suggest th
at managers consider population augmentation using only females. This
study demonstrates that comprehensive knowledge of endangered small po
pulations of mammals can be obtained using noninvasive genetic samplin