Jejunojejunal intussesception is infrequent in the adult. A 17 years o
ld women presented a right lower quadrant pain since 24 hours. Under c
oelioscopy, jejunum was thickened, and hyperrontractible. Three jejuno
jejunal intussusceptions were discovered and ensily treated under coel
ioscopy. During post-operative days, fibroptic gastroscopy was normal,
and the first jejunal segment was normal. Intestinal barium transit s
howed a dilated jejunal segment with thickened mucosa. Stools parasito
logy was negative. Three months later, patient was admitted with right
lower quadrant pain recurrence. Coelioscopy did not show any intussus
ception. Appendectomy was undertaken. Histological analysis showed app
endiceal oxyuris. The case described is characterised by three concomi
tant intussusceptions, the proximal jejunal site of the intussusceptio
ns, the site of the pain distant from the intussusceptions, the occurr
ence in a young adult, the coelioscopic diagnosis, and the coelioscopi
c treatment. Diagnostic coelioscopy with complete exploration of the s
mall intestine permit diagnosis and treatment under coelioscopy of jej
unojejunal intussusception.