Citations number
Categorie Soggetti
Plant Sciences",Forestry
Journal title
ISSN journal
Year of publication
24 - 34
SICI code
The aim of the ''Concept for the Conservation of Forest Genetic Resour ces in the Federal Republic of Germany'' is to: estimate the extent of danger to the genetic resources of our tree and shrub species; propos e preventive measures for the maintenance of genetic variability of th ese species; consider proposals for the organisational realization of this programme and give a cost-estimate.The programme will help to red uce genetic losses due to anthropogenic environmental loads (immission s). but a basic precondition for this is a reduction of environmental load. The mandate of the working party for the elaboration of this con cept was derived from a resolution made at a meeting held on 10.1.1985 between representatives of the Federal Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry and the Federal States. The political importance of the project is emphasized by the resolution of the Bundesrat (Upper House of Parliament) made on 13.2.1985 concerning measures for conserving ge netic diversity of forest tree species and the second edition of the F ederal Government's action programme ''Save the Forests''. The latter states that the Federal Government identifies the conservation of natu ral genetic resources to be of major importance and that it will try t o establish a forest genebank. The working party aims to compile all e xisting measures that either directly or indirectly aid the conservati on of forest genetic resources, and to work out a framework, including cost-estimates, for conserving forest genetic resources. Because of t he immobility and the longevity of tree and shrub species, high geneti c variation is the longterm base for adaptability and thus for surviva l of these species. For biological, economical and ethical reasons, fo restry depends on the maintenance of high genetic diversity. The fores ts and therefore the forest genetic resources were already endangered by the clearing of forests for cultivation and other diverse intervent ions into forest ecosystems. The survey of the damages caused by fores t decline has shown that serious gene losses from anthropogenic enviro nmental loads are continuing. The influence of existing legal regulati ons on the conservation of forest genetic resources was evaluated. The Act on Forestry Seed and Planting Stock (Bundesgesetzblatt 1979) dema nds that forests be maintained because of their economic and environme ntal importance; the provision of habitat for other species is particu larly important. Consequently, the high genetic variability of forests has to be maintained. However, no regulations exist for the realizati on of this aim either in the Federal Forest Law or in the respective l aws of the states. In addition, the legal regulations concerning fores t reproductive material and nature conservation do not offer such an i nstrumentation. Existing measures within the Federal Republic which di rectly serve gene conservation are concentrated in public organisation s such as Federal Research Institutes and State Forest Administrations with their research institutes and seed extractories. There is little activity in the private sector Direct activities include: conservatio n of breeding material within the framework of breeding programmes; co llection of provenances, families and clones in field tests and clonal archives; genebanks of seed, pollen and tissue cultures. Up to now, t hese conservation measures have been funded from the budgets of the re search institutes, but these are insufficient for the additional activ ities which are needed. The criteria for the selection of material ''w orthy of conservation'' are for example: selected or comparable popula tions covered by the Act on Forestry Seed and Planting Stock (Bundesge setzblatt, 1979), populations under specific ecological conditions, ma rginal populations and the ''necessity for conservation'' which result s from the degree of current damage or from the rarity of the material . Conservation is necessary for: 18 tree species and the genus Populus as covered by the Act on Forestry Seed and Planting Stock (Bundesgese tzblatt, 1979); 29 species not under the law, but with importance for forestry; 10 indigenous and introduced tree species important from a r egional view; and 37 indigenous shrub species. The measures for conser vation depend on the biology, the developmental stage of the material, the technical feasability and on the costs. The following can be appl ied with different prospects for success depending on the tree species : conservation of stands; natural regeneration; sowing and planting in situ and ex situ; seedling and clonal seed orchards; clone collection s; conservation of seed, pollen, plants, parts of plants including tis sue, and conservation by macro-and microvegetative propagation. The in dividual measures are evaluated. In addition, the total work necessary in forest genetic conservation is presented. The current situation is discussed. The fields to be covered in the frame of the programme can only be achieved by close cooperation between the Federal and State F orest Administrations and their institutions. The following principles for cooperation are proposed: Activities for conservation of forest g enetic resources are pel formed by the Federal Forest Research Centre and the State Forest Research Institutes including the respective seed extractories. These institutions have the professional capacity, the direct connection to forestry, the necessary technical facilities and the scientific background. In addition, they cover the interests of th e States. The selection of genetic resources to be conserved will be c oordinated and the institutions responsible for the conservation of fo rest genetic resources in the Federal Republic of Germany will regular ly exchange information about incoming and outgoing gene resource mate rial. To minimize the risk of loss, samples for ex situ conservation ( seed, pollen, plants, parts of plants) will be stored at least at 2 lo cations. Research necessary for gene conservation occurs in the instit utes of the forestry faculties at the universities, and the respective federal and state institutes in close coordination. Independent of th e constitutional responsibilities for the single measures, Federal Gov ernment and States will coordinate the activities for conservation of forest genetic resources. It is proposed to give the responsibility fo r the coordination of the activities between Federal Government and St ates to the ''Federal and State Working Group on Conservatio