Objectives: To summarize the evidence for efficacy from published lite
rature of biological treatments in the continuation and maintenance ph
ases of bipolar disorder, as well as the recommendations about differe
nt treatment options made by the working group within the Bipolar Sub-
Committee of the Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CAN
MAT). Methods: A review of relevant published literature and proceedin
gs of international conferences was conducted. The quality of evidence
was assessed and classified according to the Periodic Health Examinat
ion criteria, Treatment recommendations of the working group were base
d on quality of evidence, a consensus of expert views, and the opinion
s of psychiatrists and family physicians from across Canada. Results:
There is overwhelming evidence for the efficacy of lithium in the prop
hylaxis of bipolar disorder. The evidence for carbamazepine is less ro
bust. There are no published double-blind studies with adequate number
s of subjects treated with divalproex sodium. Conclusions: During and
at the end of the continuation phase it is recommended that mood stabi
lizers should remain the mainstay of therapy and that other treatments
should be gradually discontinued or maintained only if there is valid
reason to do so. Efficacious maintenance treatment can reduce morbidi
ty and mortality significantly and improve patients' quality of life.